Press release 2024 Jun 01

2024 Wellell User Story

Optima Turn User Story

“For Ms.Chen, it is Wellell’s warm companionship that supports her life while taking care of her husband.”That night, my life has totally changed “Ever since the incident, even now, I still blame myself”During his business dinner, the accident happened and he has been incapable of performing daily activities independently.

If want to know about Optima Turn User Story

Thank You Healthcare Heroes!

Thanks to our global team (Wellell UK, SLK Germany, and HQ Taiwan) showing great efforts to shoot the footage simultaneously from three countries and put together this video.

Instead of expressing our respect as well as gratitude to the dedication of front line healthcare professionals, Wellell will also provide our support to those daily healthcare heroes! 

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wellell spressure-injury-prevention solutions

UK - Residential Care Home

In our UK Residential Care Home, we deeply understand the responsibilities and hardships borne by our nursing staff. They are the cornerstone of our facility, tirelessly caring for patients day in and day out, offering them love and support.

We recognize that long-term care work can bring certain pressures and burdens. Therefore, we are committed to providing a supportive and encouraging work environment where our nursing staff feel valued and respected. We listen to their needs and suggestions, ensuring they receive the necessary support to cope with daily challenges.

Wellell believe that through effective tools, we can help our nursing staff alleviate work pressure, increase job satisfaction, and ultimately provide higher-quality care services.