Press release
2023 Dec 20
2023 CAHF
A Big Thank You to Everyone Who Visited Our Booth at #CAHF!
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the wonderful visitors who stopped by our booth at the recent #CAHF exhibition. It was a fantastic experience connecting with each one of you and sharing the latest innovations from Wellell (formerly APEX Medical).
Our team had an incredible time discussing our groundbreaking solutions and technologies. It's always inspiring to be a part of events like CAHF, where we can showcase the passion and dedication behind Wellell's commitment to advancing #healthcareinnovations .
We hope you enjoyed exploring our innovations as much as we enjoyed presenting them. A special shout-out to everyone who participated in our giveaway – we hope the goodies bring a little extra joy to your day!
Stay tuned for more exciting updates from Wellell! Here's to a future filled with innovation, collaboration, and good health.
#CAHF #PressureInjuryPrevention #BewellLiveWell #Wellell